Are you ready to climb the Brawl Stars ranks and flex on your friends? Whether you're trophy pushing or diving into ranked matches, knowing the best brawlers for each game mode is crucial. Here's the lowdown on the top picks for Heist, Bounty, Hot Zone, Gem Grab, Brawl Ball, Knockout, and beyond.
Heist: The queen of Heist right now is Melodie. Her hypercharge has completely flipped the script, allowing her to dash up to the safe with her Shield Gadget and unleash a torrent of damage. Next up, Colette is a powerhouse with her super dealing massive percentage damage. Colt, with his high DPS, can shred the safe if left unchecked. Chuck and Angelo round out the list, with Chuck's ability to keep his super after death making him a persistent threat, while Angelo's mobility allows for seamless map control.
Bounty & Wipeout: Long-range domination is key here, with Piper leading the charge. Her homemade recipe gadget makes quick work of opponents. Gene offers strategic control with his super, forcing enemies to play defensively. Gus and his Cookie Popper gadget can two-tap foes with ease, while Mandy outranges most brawlers and can one-shot snipers with her super. Nani is also a solid pick, with her ability to counter other snipers and confirm kills using her super.
Hot Zone: Lou is back in the mix with his recent reload speed buff, freezing enemies out of the zone. Draco is on the rise due to his synergy with support brawlers like Poco and Byron. Penny remains a staple with her turret zoning capabilities. Larry & Lawrie thrive on maps with ample cover, and Stu keeps enemies at bay with his rapid super recharge and speed zone turret.
Gem Grab: Gus is the standout gem carrier, combining damage and control. Otis holds lanes with his Fat Splatter gadget. Sandy is invaluable on bush-heavy maps, while Max provides unmatched mobility and survivability. Lastly, Byron can serve as both a support and a lane presence, making him versatile across various maps.
Brawl Ball: Rico continues to shine with his bouncing shots and hypercharge, making him a formidable force. Kenji remains a menace despite recent nerfs, while Ash dominates with his hypercharge on bushy maps. Amber is a consistent pick for clearing grass, and Surge excels in countering tanks and maintaining defensive strength.
Knockout: R-T is a robust choice with his high HP and versatility against snipers and throwers. Darryl can turn the tide late-game with his double super. Tick irritates opponents with his zoning, while Kit works wonders when paired with a tank. Lastly, Gray can outmaneuver snipers and quickly dispatch throwers with his gadget and super.
Showdown: Surge is a top-tier pick thanks to his scaling abilities. Maisie dishes out significant damage and keeps assassins at bay. Cordelius manipulates matchups with his jump gadget and hypercharge. Buzz is making a comeback with his stun potential, and Shelly, with her Band-Aid and Clay Pigeons, remains a force to be reckoned with.
These are your go-to brawlers for dominating each mode. Master their gadgets and supers, and you'll be set to crush the competition. Happy brawling!