Hourly meta reports, brawler profiles, game mode analysis and more!
The highest trophy gaining brawlers in Brawl Stars, based on our analysis of thousands of top players. Data is updated hourly!
These brawlers aren't the most popular, but they are the most efficient right now as measured in trophies generated per match. Based on our analysis of thousands of top players, and updated hourly!
These brawlers are rising in popularity rapidly right now, based on our analysis of thousands of the top players. Updated hourly!
These brawlers are earning the Star Player awards the most often in Brawl Stars matches.
These brawler team combinations are generating the most trophies right now amongst the thousands of top players which we analyze hourly!
These are the most dominant brawler types in the meta right now, such as Assasin, Tank, Marksman, etc.
These game modes are being played the most recently by the top Brawl Stars players.
These game modes are the most efficient for gaining trophies right now, based on how many trophies per hour played are being generated.
These are the Brawl Stars players who are gaining the most trophies recently. Study what brawlers and game modes they're playing right now!
These are the brawlers, teams, and game modes being used most by the top 5 Brawl Stars players.